Thursday, December 26, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Of The Superhero Essay - 1730 Words

Rhetorical Superheroes may be all around the world, but if you take a deeper look at all of them, some might stand out as a little more â€Å"super† to you. When I think about Rhetorical Superheroes, there is one off the top of my head that is important to me. His name is Jason Ren and he is currently a student at Harvard University. He was someone who made an impact in the community I group up in through powerful language expressed by his actions volunteering and helping others. I was fortunate enough to know Jason personally as he was a good friend of mine who I played soccer with for many years. We would hang out a lot and have shared many good memories with each other. The most memorable example of his powerful language in our community was when he created a non-profit organization to help kids with tutoring for the ACT. It was not until one day after a soccer practice of ours, that I had found out that he had created this organization. A couple of friends and I had asked Jason if he wanted to hang out after practice, and he told us that he couldn’t because he was scheduled to help some kids with tutoring later that night. After asking him what this was about, he ended up explaining to us what he was doing and how he created this organization for kids. We all thought it was cool and then continued with what we were doing. A couple of days later, when I was in school, we were reminded of the ACT that was coming up near the end of the year that we were going to haveShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis: Why I Love Shoplifting from Big Corporations?1114 Words   |  4 Pages Why I Love Shoplifting From Big Corporations: Rhetorical analysis The essay title Why I Love Shoplifting is designed to immediately shock the reader. The essays full title Why I Love Shoplifting From Big Corporations hints at the authors larger social critique of American capitalism. The author complains that she lives as a wage slave, forced to work most of her life to pay for basic necessities while large companies make huge profits off of her labor. When she pays for something, sheRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Why Are All The Cartoon Mothers Dead?1477 Words   |  6 PagesRhetorical Analysis: â€Å"Why Are All the Cartoon Mothers’ Dead?† For many Disney stories, as noted by Carolyn Dever, character development begins in the space of the missing mother. The reason behind why the death of mothers is beneficial to character development, may be an unknown fixture of fiction so deeply embedded into the animation world that it has become somewhat of a mystery. In the article ‘Why Are All The Cartoon Mothers Dead’, Sarah boxer makes the claim that patriarchy and misogyny areRead MoreEssay On Phantom Comics1882 Words   |  8 Pages†¢ REPRESENTATION OF THE ‘OTHERS’ IN PHANTOM COMICS AND ITS EFFECT ON CHILDREN Phantom, a very popular comics superhero is adapted in various forms of media including, television, movies and videogames. Media features a crime fighter in peculiar costumes operating not only in the deep woods of Africa but also in the urbanscapes wherever crime looms large. The Phantom series first came out in the daily newspaper strips on seventeenth February, 1936, was followed by a colour strip which came out onRead MoreEveryday Nightmare: the Rhetoric of Social Horror in the Nightmare on Elm Street Series6614 Words   |  27 PagesWest, conservatives and liberals, and so on), and the dynamic between them, with its checks and imbalances, constitutes a larger cultural dialogue, creating the rhetorical architecture upon which culture is built. This rhetorical structure is also evident in all cultural artifacts, including horror movies. The premise that guides this analysis is that the ideological plot of the Nightmare movies operates on two levels: one concerns humanity against a monster, while the second, more important

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay about Teach Everychild About Food by Jamie Oliver

According to passionate chefs, America is at its â€Å"tipping point.† (Oliver, 2010, para 8) Over the past few decades food has took a drastic plunge towards unknown ingredients and chemicals. Most of society would agree that children are the future but surprising statistics make that hard to believe; they cannot become the future if they are being fed to death. Jamie Oliver and Ann Cooper are two of many chefs who are working hard to educate people about real food. Lectures given by each of them send the overall message that the future of humanity is within the food we are eating. Jamie Oliver’s lecture, â€Å"Teach every child about food† from 2010, opens up with the scary truth that Americans are putting upon themselves: â€Å"Diet-related disease†¦show more content†¦Many people are trying to freshen up schools in their areas but are unable to pass the revolution along to other schools due to lack of financial support. â€Å"We need to recognize the experts and the angels quickly, identify them, and allow them to easily find the resource to keep rolling out what theyre already doing, and doing well.† (Oliver, 2010, para 31) Schools are currently spending less about $500 a year on school food. In case that statistic is not sickening enough the additional information is given: an average of $3500 a year is spent on keeping a prisoner in jail. Throughout Cooper’s speech she pours out statistics on how money is being spent poorly. For example, â€Å"one gourmet coffee, one, is more †¦ than we are spending to feed kids for an entire week in our schools,† Cooper refers to a Starbucks coffee as a financial comparison. Contributing to the figures given by Oliver, $8 billion is being used to feed 30 million children every year; Cooper explains how that amount needs to double in order for children to receive real food at school. Out of all of the data that Cooper shares with the crowd the most intriguing is that only $50 billion is spent on vegetables a year. While that may sound like a lot, listeners learn that $200 billion is spent on diet related illness, $100 billion is spent on diet aids, and $110 billion is spent on fast food. Fast

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Integrated Market Strategic Communications -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Integrated Market Strategic Communications? Answer: Introducation Analysis on the target market aims at establishing if the Mermaid Hotels and Resort should open a new property at Lombok Islands. The focus is to expand the firms operations and avail services to potential customers in the region. Specifically, Mermaid hotels and resorts targets at expanding its operations to South East Asia in the future (Chaffey Ellis, 2016). Aimed at achieving the goal, the organization has created awareness and built a positive image for its products to impress potential customers. Apart from attaining booking targets, the company has worked to improve its reputation. This ensures that the firms operations are a success. Opening a new hotel at Lombok Island exposes the firm to many potential customers. The target market is Singapore. The Singapore state is viewed as among the primary market generators (Ferrell Hartline, 2012). Among the tourists who visit Lombok Island are targeted to have originated from this country. The secondary market for the Mermaid Resorts and Hotels in Indonesia are travellers from South Korea, Malaysia, and New Zealand. The firm plans to register up to 35,000 bookings within the first year of operation. The figure is generated from the equation of 10,000 reservations at the end of the year with an estimated stay period of 3.5 nights (Fifield, 2012). The principal target audience is tourists from Singapore. However, the secondary audiences are the tourist from South Korea, Malaysia, and New Zealand. The promotional focus in the first year will be on a three generating market pairings. These pairings are Japan and South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia, and Australia and New Zealand. In the year 2016, an estimated 12.02 Million travellers visited Indonesia. This was approximate of 15.55 increase from 2015. In 2015, an estimated 9.73 million tourists made a trip to Indonesia (Fill, 2013). The visitors stayed in the hotels for a period of about 7.5 nights, and their spending was averaged at $1,142. From 2000-2016, Singapore is the leading state whose citizens make most trips to Indonesia. It is followed by Malaysia, Australia, Japan, and South Korea. According to Singapore national tourism organization, in November 2017 1,547,000 Singapore citizens made visits abroad (Hall Page, 2012). This was an increase from the previous month by 4.6%. Out of 1 1,547,700 visits abroad, 130,168 were visits to Indonesia. Around 59% of all visitors to Indonesia travel for holidays while only 39% make business trips. This shows that Singapore is a brilliant market target. Tourists aged sixty-five years and above are accounted for more than one in five tourism nights for private purposes (Hampton Jeyacheya, 2015). Individuals aged fifty-five and above are accounted for 39% of tourism nights for private reasons. This was 2% above persons aged 15 years and above whose private nights ranged from 37%. According to World Economic Forum survey, Singapore had a travel and tourism competitiveness index score rating of 4.2 in 2017. The country was ranked forty seconds among 136 nations. This shows that Singapore is a brilliant market target. From the collected data, it is evident that Lombok Island is at a higher chance of getting customers from Singapore. A high number of Singapore citizens make a trip to Indonesia. Hence, the hotel will be required to customize its products to cater for clients from other countries. By ensuring this is met, the tourist industry is expected to grow. As a result, this will account for increased booking to Mermaid Hotels and Resort (Naeem, Bilal Naz, 2013). Singapore is estimated to have a population growth estimate of 6.9 million by 2030. The targeted population increase would translate to increase the number of tourists who would visit Lombok Island(Naeem, Bilal Naz, 2013). Visiting Lombok Island would make customers visit the Mermaid Hotels and Resort. The rise in population in Singapore favours the hospitality firm. The country as well as a reputation for innovation and high standards of living. It is regarded as the worlds most crypto-friendly nation. It is the worlds most expensive place to live (Morgan, KatsikeasVorhies, 2012). The country has maintained this for the past four years. The luxurious life of Singapore citizens would lead to a considerable number of individuals visiting Lomboks Islands. They visit to either enjoy the scenery or experience hospitality services away from home. Additional, the country has a booming economy which motivates investment from local and international investors. The laundry of Singapores achie vements makes it one of the ideal places to market a business. This would lead to the growth of Mermaid Hotels and Resorts. Primary Research Mermaid Hotels and Resorts provides an analysis of target markets by conducting qualitative research. The research was done using the online platform. Additionally, information was enquired from the countrys public domain regarding tourist levels in the area (Percy, 2014). Cross-analysis of the area where the resort was to be opened was conducted. The purpose of reviewing the area was to identify if the location offered an attraction to tourists and travellers. The research objective was to generate 35,000 bookings within one year. The purpose was to identify the strategy to be put in place to create10,000 bookings with an estimated stay of 3.5 nights. This translates to 35,000 reservations for Lomboks resort in the first year of operation. To determine the likely visitors to the Mermaids Hotels and Resorts, the demographics various nations were evaluated. This includes identifying means of transport used by travellers. As a marketing strategy, possible competitors were determined and evaluated. These hospitality institutions offered similar services to those of Mermaid Hotels. The purpose was to enable it to approach the marketing strategy in a way that made the firm appear better and superior to its rivals (Williams, Lew, 2014). To help in marketing the hospitality firm, Lombok Island was chosen as the best location due to the large number of tourists who visit the area. This would translate to a high number of customers. This tourist attraction scenery has been used as a tool for marketing Mermaids Hotels and Resorts. To ensure that the firm gains competitive advantage and meets customers needs, the following marketing strategies are adopted. First, the company should create a corporate identity for Mermaids Hotels and Resorts. This involves generating logos, business cards, and letterheads and ensure that they are distributed to the public. Brochures and catalogues should also be developed for potential clients. Second, a complete public relations campaign should be designed. This hospitality firm should participate in public functions, create monthly e-newsletters, and develop a crisis communication plan (Yeshin, 2012). This aims at improving public relations. Third, an online marketing plan should be developed. Most of the target customers are from different countries. Coming up with an online marketing plan such as Facebook will enhance customer coverage(Morgan, 2012). Lastly, the firm should develop an advertisement for local and international media. Advertisement space in the media should be made available. This would be used to make announcements pertaining Mermaids Hotels and Resorts. The media helps in delivering information with high impact at the lowest cost per customer reached. To achieve their marketing goals, Mermaid Hotels and Resorts should make use of the following marketing options; first, the company should leverage video content to market the companys content. There is a 90% estimate that most of the internet traffic will be visual by 2017. Hence, the firm should develop creative content to showcase their brand. Second, Mermaid should focus on in-depth content. This can be done by ensuring that their content is experience-oriented. Third, the organization should go for influencer marketing. Inviting influencers to review the companys products and services is an excellent strategy to boost conversion. Lastly, Mermaid Hotels and Resorts should build and sell the experience. Travelling is all about the experience. Individuals talk about the places they visited, what they saw, and how this made them feel(Judisseno, 2015). Mermaid Hotels should create a link to their services and what is offered around their environment. The firm should sell a full packa ge by informing the tourists what is in store for them. This could include nearby attractions. This can be topped with impressive images on accommodation and the surrounding environment. The overall IMC strategy for Mermaids Hotels and Resorts is to expand its operations to other places. Implementation of an IMC plan will result in wide market coverage. The opening of a new Mermaid Hotel and Resort in Lombok Island will attract primary markets from Singapore. According to the analysis, Singapore is an appropriate target market for the Mermaid Hotels and Resorts (Hollensen, 2015). It is true to say that by opening a new firm at Lombok Islands, the hospitality industry would maximize its outputs and meet its objectives. Mermaids Hotels and Resorts has a positive reputation which would attract tourists from Singapore. The positive reputations include offering quality services to clients and providing luxury accommodation. References Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2016).Digital marketing. Pearson. Ferrell, O. C., Hartline, M. (2012).Marketing strategy, text and cases. Nelson Education. Fifield, P. (2012).Marketing strategy. Routledge. Fill, C. (2013). Marketing Communications. Harlow. Hall, C. M., Page, S. (2012).Tourism in south and southeast Asia. Routledge. Hampton, M. P., Jeyacheya, J. (2015). Power, ownership and tourism in small islands: evidence from Indonesia.World Development,70, 481-495. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Judisseno, R. K. (2015).Destination Strategies in Tourist Development in Indonesia, 19452014: Problems of Bali Centredness(Doctoral dissertation, Victoria University). Morgan, N. A. (2012). Marketing and business performance.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,40(1), 102-119. Morgan, N. A., Katsikeas, C. S., Vorhies, D. W. (2012). Export marketing strategy implementation, export marketing capabilities, and export venture performance.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,40(2), 271-289. Naeem, B., Bilal, M., Naz, U. (2013). Integrated marketing communication: a review paper.Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business,5(5), 124-133. Percy, L. (2014).Strategic integrated marketing communications. Routledge. Williams, S., Lew, A. A. (2014).Tourism geography: critical understandings of place, space and experience. Routledge. Yeshin, T. (2012).Integrated marketing communications. Routledge.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Managing Across the Globe

Management across the globe is a new management strategy in which an individual oversees the running of global projects. Taking into account the geographical challenge posed by this management system, managers of such projects need to be excellent coordinators.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Across the Globe specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A number of aspects ought to be seriously considered if this management approach has to be successful. The cardinal factor is trust. The senior management has to cultivate a culture of mutual trust among the globally distributed teams. Teams can be productive only if they have the assurance that they are equal partners in the ongoing project and that their contribution is valued. Building trust among team members enhances reliability, efficiency and effectiveness of the teams. According to the text, there are several strategies that can be adopted in management of pr ojects across the globe. As a manager, there is need to have a solid grasp of all these strategies and how they can be put to proper use (Certo Trevis, 2009). Clear understanding of project systems makes the manager better placed to monitor project progress with regard to the schedule. Another important factor in managing across the globe is clarification of the meaning of every handoff (Rothman, 2005). The implication is that every schedule that is created for a global project must be accompanied by an appropriate milestone criterion together with the milestones. Additionally, it is important for managers engaged in management of projects and people across the globe to make verification of all completed tasks. This aids in assessing the working pace and make recommendations for further considerations and closure of the project (Rothman, 2005). Managers can achieve this through talking to their team members across the globe to attain an agreement over a particular criterion. It is also vital that global managers train their team members to periodically submit information concerning the state of their projects from time to time in order to enable the manager monitor the projects and stay informed (Certo Trevis, 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Though this management strategy currently appears to be the most popular approach to running multinational projects, it is characterized by a cohort of challenges. It is not easy to manage projects and people across the globe due to associated demands and challenges. However, leaders confronted with such a responsibility need to stay bold and apply the above tactics and other management skills for the general success of the assigned projects (Rothman, 2005). Case: Managing the global arena (Wal-Mart) Being an ambitious scholar with intentions of becoming a global leader, I look forward to getting involved in global (international) management at some point in my career. I envisage starting a business organization and locating various branches around the world. With this in place, I will be able to involve myself in international management of the business organization to ensure that success is attained. In management of a Wal-Mart store in Japan, the most difficult challenge in attainment of success will be creating a work place characterized by team work spirit, good communication and highly motivated workforce. This is because attainment of such characteristics requires exercise of effective management skills and willingness to compromise (Certo Trevis, 2009). The statement implies that good management skills can be learned and mastered by any interested person. Effective management skills can therefore be acquired through collaborations and staff exchange programs with competitor organizations. References Certo, S., Trevis, C. (2009). Modern Management: Concepts and Skills. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall. Rothman, J. (2005). Tips for managing across the globe. Business Management Journal, 2(6), 78-83. This essay on Managing Across the Globe was written and submitted by user Piper Ayala to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.