Thursday, May 14, 2020

John F. Kennedy s Moral Lapse - 1633 Words

Leaders fail often. The challenges of leadership are often complex and extremely demanding, which often leads to leadership failure. For most failure leads to a dead end while for others growth is achieved from failures. From former president John F. Kennedy’s moral lapse to the defeats of Apple founder Steve Jobs, the road to leadership can be devastating. Being a leader is fluid, and involves many unforeseen factors and traits. John F. Kennedy as this countries leader helped pave the way for civil rights legislation, but on the same hand failed many moral obligations as a leader. Through his personal failures, John F. Kennedy was still able to move forward as a leader. Also, Steve Jobs was another leader who was able to accomplish many things as a technological leader, but failed in aspects of his moral obligations as the leader of his household in the handling of his daughter. Both men had many traits in common, but they both possessed several basic traits of a leader. According to North house (2012), â€Å"for some people, leadership is a trait or an ability, for others it is a skill or a behavior, and for still others it is a relationship or process† (p. 7). What truly defines leadership is at times difficult to grasp, because many see leadership in various ways. Being a leader requires a mix of all of the complexities of leadership, and the views on which leadership qualities are important are shaped by personal experiences. The text suggests we think aboutShow MoreRelatedProfessionalism in the Army1909 Words   |  8 Pagespracticing professional from their peers and measure the competence of such professional. This professional knowledge must also be intellectual in nature. The second characteristic of professionalism is responsibility. General responsibility creates the moral responsibility of soldiers and helps us understand the set of values which guide us. 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